Crazy Conversation

A brown dog came running with big bone and settled in dilapidated hut. A white dog sprang from somewhere and pounced at the brown dog. The two beasts ferociously fought but white one ultimately overpowered and snatched away the bone.  Aleem, unemployed graduate of Basvaria village, sitting on the cemented platform under banyan tree watched with amusement the live demonstration of survival of the fittest. The brown dog was whimpering in the corner of the hut after losing fight putting its tail between the legs.

Aleem felt empathy for the creature.
'The human race is not different from these beasts. The entire history of conflict and clashes were to capture land and resources. The advance race subjugated the backward ones. The cruelty and atrocities of humans surpass that of the most dangerous animals'. thought Aleem.

Malang Baba, a madman of Basvariya came carrying polythene bag and old Urdu newspaper. Without looking at Aleem, Malang spreaded newspaper and emptied the contents on the paper. There were several pouches Aleem could see. Malang Baba opened  pouches of tobacco and mixed all in one. Ghulam, the orphan boy, came singing song in loud voice carrying fishing rod and container. Ghulam, dropped out of school after death of his father. He was one of the few persons in the village Malang talked with.

'Ghulam, it is good that you came. Help me in mixing tobacco'. How many fish did you catch today'? Asked Baba

'I was not lucky today', said Ghulam without trace of disappointment.
He blew the dust from platform and sat.  He resumed singing in his hoarse voice. 'Chalo madine chalen, isi mahine chalen'.

'Stop singing else I will hit you' warned Malang.
'I am not singing a filmi song but a religious one, Baba. It is naat shareef'. Said Ghulam.
'Still, it is irritating me, stop singing' said Malang.
Okay, okay' you have stock of tobacco for the entire year it seems, Have you been to town? Asked Ghulam
'Yes, just after fajr I set off.' I had to buy some items for my shop too'.

Malang Baba ran a small shop which he hardly opened. Baba would sell to the customer of his liking only. Children were fond of Baba as he would distribute chocolate from his shop.

'How was your journey'? Enquired Ghulam
'It was very bad day, there would be big Hindu Muslim riot today, and that all because of me, said Malang

'A riot because of you! are you in your senses baba' exclaimed Ghulam
'Yes because of me, and He sitting up in the sky would cause it. It so happened that while returning I took an auto rikshaw. I spit out which fell on someone's dhoti. He hit me right in my face (He showed his right face which was still swelling). I was about to fight back that I noticed vermillion on his forehead. I held back and prevented a Hindu Muslim riot'. Malang explained.

'But how He sitting in the sky is responsible for this Baba', asked Ghulam

'You will not understand Ghulam. Sitting there in the sky He is playing with all of us. This world is His plaything. He sends flood and thousands die. He blows hot waves which kills people from stroke. And He enjoys all these. He sent me town today and made me spit on someone's dhoti. He would cause a big riot. One day He will be fed up and He will destroy everything', Said Malang philosophically.

Muezzin blew into the mic from village mosque to clear his throat and started  calling for prayer.
Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar
The God is great, the God is great

When Aleem reached mosque that day he found Malang Baba in the first row deep in meditation.

P.S. It is based on real conversation I overheard with some fiction and change in name


  1. इस कहानी में दो anecdotes हैं , यद्यपि ऊपरी तौर पर वे आपस मे connected नज़र नहीं आते हैं , परंतु उनमे एक गहरा connection है , क्योंकि अलीम इन दोनों घटनाओं का साक्षी है । वह देखता है कि कैसे एक ताकतवर उजला कुत्ता , भूरे कुत्ते के मुंह से उसकी हड्डी छिन लेता है , वह सोचता है कि आदमी कि कौम भी इन कुत्तों से ज्यादा different नहीं है क्योंकि पूरा इतिहास ही इसी तरह की लड़ाइयों और युद्धों से भरा पड़ा है , जहां उन्न्त और लड़ाकू क़ौमों ने शांतिप्रिय और अहिंसक क़ौमों से उनकी ज़मीनें, संपत्ति छिन लीं, लूट लिया । दरअसल इतिहास ही विजेताओं का होता है , हारे हुए लोगों का कोई इतिहास नहीं होता । दूसरी बात जो यह कहानी कहती है वह यह कि कोई भी धार्मिकता या आध्यात्मिकता communal या सांप्रदायिक नहीं होती । इसके उलट सच्चे धार्मिक और spiritual लोग सांप्रदायिक सद्भाव बनाए रखने के पक्षधर होते हैं । यह कहानी हमें बताती है कि मलंग बाबा जो कि मगरीब की नमाज़ मे अव्वल पंक्ति मे बैठे खुदा की इबादत मे ध्यानमग्न हैं , वही मलंग बाबा , अपने ऊपर हमला करने वाले व्यक्ति के ललाट पर तिलक लगा देखकर , खुद को रोक लेते हैं और होने वाले संभावित communal riot को टाल देते हैं । मलंग बाबा मे इंसानी जज्बा है , वे इंसानियत के हामी हैं , बाज़ वक्त उनका चरित्र मुझे सुदर्शन की लिखी कहानी 'हार की जीत' के बाबा भारती की याद दिलाती रही ।दोनों ही किरदार अपने धार्मिक ख्यालों और उसूलों मे गहरे पैबस्त हैं फिर भी मानवीयता और इंसानियत कि भावना दोनों मे सर्वोपरि है । अल्लमा इकबाल ने शायद ऐसों ही को लक्ष्य करके लिखा था कि ' मजहब नहीं सिखाता आपस में बैर रखना " अस्तु । एक उम्दा कहानी पढ़ाने के लिए इम्तेयाज़ भाई का हार्दिक साधुवाद ।


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