Subah ka manzar

It is much before the dawn when I woke up. The magical effect of the hour over powers and sends me into trance. The soothing breeze seeps into body through pores and rejuvenates heart and soul. Chirping of bird is music to the ear, the stillness in the air is comforting and the darkness is not scary rather is precursor of hope. No moment is so magical than the time just before the dawn.

The singing of bird : cawing of crow, the cooing of cuckoo, the cock-a-doodle do of hen, sqwaking of parrot are announcing the coming of day. The animals appear to be asleep as if they have adopted human life style. The birds are overjoyed as if celebrating surviving the darkness.

Yahi taariki toh hai ghaza-e rukhsar-e sahar
Subah hone ki hai ai file Betaab thahr

Click on the below link for complete nazm of Faiz

Kis Qadar Tum Pe Garan Subah Ki Baidari Hai
Hain Talakh Bohat Banda’ay Mazdoor Ke Auqat
Hum Se Kab Pyar Hai! Haan Neend Tumhain Pyari Hai

I imagine, Ismail Merathi may have written the famous nazm subah ki aamad at this soul stirring hour.

Khabar din ke aane ki mai la Rahi hoon
Ujala zamaane mein phaila Rahi hoon
Bahaar apni mashriq se dikhla Rahi hoon
Pukare gale saaf chilla Rahi hoon
Utho sone walon ke mai aa Rahi hoon

Azaan par azaan murgh dene Laga hai
Khushi se har ek Jaanwar bolta hai
Darakhton ke oopar ajab chahchaha hai
Suhana hai waqt aur thandi hawa hai
Utho sone walon ke mai aa Rahi hoon

You may read complete nazm on

On weekdays I play it on YouTube for my son to wake up and get ready for school.

The muezzin coughs and clears his throat before calling the believers for morning prayer

ٱللهُ أَكْبَر ٱللهُ أَكْبَر
God is the greatest, God is the greatest

ٍٱلصَّلاَةُ خَيْرٌ مِنَ ٱلنَّوم ٍٱلصَّلاَةُ خَيْرٌ مِنَ ٱلنَّو
Prayer is better than sleep Prayer is better than sleep

The call however falls on sleeping ears of majority of faithfuls and fails to stir them out of bed.
Kis Qadar Tum Pe Garan Subah Ki Baidari Hai

Hum Se Kab Pyar Hai! Haan Neend Tumhain Pyari Hai

The pujaari of temples  must have woken up. Those in the country sides will go for snaan to river if there is one nearby. Those of cities will bathe in modern bathrooms. They will strike first bell of temple very soon.

The sun is still below the horizon but the scattering effect is illuminating the atmosphere.

A group of labours arrives at construction site. There are more women than men armed with spade,shovel, trowel, hoe etc. There still exists disparity between wage of men and women. I can see there are some underaged children in this pack. These hardworking lot may have woken up even before the birds and animals. They must have prepared breakfast and lunch before coming to site. They are true builders of the nation. They will toil hard in the scorching heat whereas the supervisor will soon arrive in shining white car who will sit in shadow and watch video on smartphone.

Tu Qadir-o-Adil Hai Magar Tere Jahan Mein
Hain Talakh Bohat Banda’ay Mazdoor Ke Auqat

The hawker slips in morning newspaper. I lift it with heavy heart. PM has advised Muslims not to politicise issue of triple talaq. He reiterates his resolve to fight for the justice of Muslim women. A minister of UP government has opined that Muslim men resort to triple talaq to fulfill their lust. I hurriedly move on to pages inside. There is column on poetry of Josh Malehabadi. I read it hoping it might lift my spirit. There is another column on philosophy of Iqbal: fikre Iqbal falsafa-e khudi wa tasawwuf, zamaan-o Makaan ki roshni mein. I engross myself in the literature of bygone era like an ostrich hides in the sand.....


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