In Pursuit of peace from India to ME

Here we jostle in the sea of mankind
There you peer to find a human in the desert of Najd

Here we minimise and optimise
There you wonder on such ideas

Here we struggle and struggle to survive
There you endeavor to shed fat of comfort

Here we stand in queue for a visa to fly out
There you yearn to rehab back

In nutshell,
The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.



  1. Dear Brother...........Ask.........can we say it is a persuit of peace if someone moves towards ME for the sake of monetary stability. Yes indeed it is a kind of partial solution & in the nutshell of totality it can easily be comprehended that without involving into the system you can't alter the system..........once again i am appreciating you personally for your visionary steps

    Gr. Noida

  2. Dear Nehal Bhai,

    Yeah, true search for peace in material is a kind of mirage and most of us are chasing it.

    Thanks for your kind words,


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