Dvarca by Madhav Mathur

Book Review -           Dvarca by Madhav Mathur

Imagine a country having one race, one language, and one religion where the state intrudes into personal life of citizen. State decides pregnancy and traits of progeny to be born, distributes quota and type of food for individual, decides profession of people and promotes one language and one religion. The control is such draconian that the thought process is manipulated and conditioned. “Multi-culturism is dead” is boastfully declared. It is futuristic imaginary country depicted by Madhav Mathur in his new novel ‘Dvarca’. 
Madhav Mathur a Sigapore based writer, works for an MNC. Dvarca is the second novel by this writer-filmmaker. His first novel is ‘The diary of an unreasonable man’. His award winning films ‘The Insomniac’ and ‘The Outsiders’ have been screened at numerous festivals. 
At a time when the ultranationalists and right wing forces are coming to centre stage across the globe, Dvarca is well-timed. The book depicts future but has imprint of past and is quite relevant to present as well. The author has deep knowledge of mythology and history. The author has also sharp observation of current development.  Madhav Mathur has skillfully crafted story nicely blending it with mythology, history, science and fiction.
The craft and story of Dvarca resembles with George Orwell’s 1984. The telescreen of 1984 is modern interactive television. The Two minutes hate is celebrated as Hour of honor. The Big brother of 1984 is the great leader called Shashtriji. The network of spy in 1984 is replaced with omnipresent DD- Distant Directives that tracks movement of every individual. Every right or wrong is done for country and for religion. The motto of the fictional country is ‘THINK THE SAME ACT THE SAME BE THE SAME’. One country, one language, one way of life that is navmarg is enforced by state apparatus. Uniformity is celebrated and diversity is hated.  The people are blinded with hate against other country, other language, and other culture. They are indoctrinated to believe and accept whatever comes from state. ‘ASK NOT WHAT GOD AND COUNTRY CAN DO FOR YOU.’ ‘ASK WHAT YOU CAN DO FOR GOD AND COUNTRY.’ The line between sport and war is blurred.
The title of the book is after the ancient city Dvārakā., the city of great religious importance. Present day Dwarka situated in the state of Gujrat, India is one of the char dhams (‘the four abodes/seats'). The very title of the novel lays the foundation of the book on which the author constructs the edifice. The novel is full of allusion to history and mythology. The names of characters and events are named after characters from Hindu mythology. The women are named Jyotis, Miras, Aditis whereas men are named as Gandharva, Nakul, Arjuns, Vishwakarma etc. They are further identified by kalaava (wrist band) which shows the position of individual in the hierarchical society of Dvarca.
[Spoiler alert] This gripping dystopian novel depicts futuristic country called Dvarca which India is called at the turn of 22nd century. The world is in mess with warring factions at loggerhead with each other.  This is a story of a family of lowly bureaucrat Gandharva, Jyoti, Mira and Nakul. One night Gandharva chose to walk instead of going by bus for a routine test. This aberration makes him suspicious in the eyes of state. He courts trouble and ends up with huge penalty a 50 per cent cut in food quota and recommended training. Jyoti, mother of Mira and Nakul, is a devout and caring lady. She works at Dvarca Mill. Jyoti is artificially inseminated with Vidur as is the practice of Dvarca.  All the pregnancies are state planned and is artificially done. She is unwilling and resists the insemination as she is already mother of two. But she has to accept for the country and for the God. One day she escapes deadly explosion; an act of terror orchestrated and perpetrated by Dvarca itself. But the blame is put on caliphate, a hated country on war with Dvarca. This is done to create fear and instill obedience among the citizen. She survives as the lone witness. It makes her vulnerable. Somehow she hides the fact that she knew anything.  Nakul, son of Jyoti and Gandharva, a prodigy is declared ‘the pupil of the Nation’ of the year’. He gets the opportunity to meet the great leader. It so happens that at the time of meeting and hugging the great leader Nakul gets erection which the great leader mistakes as hidden weapon in pyjama. He orders for the arrest of ill fated Nakul. Nakul somehow escapes without being caught by ferocious Varaha, the guard of Dvarca. With the help of another shamed girl Samyukta, Nakul runs away

This timely novel is captivating dark satire which depicts the modern times. It is well researched, well crafted and multi layered.    


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