Aspirations of modern India

Much water has flown down the Ganges since the famous tryst with destiny speech of our first PM at midnight stroke 14-15 August 1947 to the chanting of Jai Shri Ram by current PM at recent Dussehra celebration. As is the nature of evolution, aspirations and inspirations of nation do change. New icons replace old ones. In fact, old and long ignored icons are finding rightful place in modern India. The language to express the aspiration of modern and youthful nation has also changed. There is fast emergence of new lexicon for modern India.

Traditionally, we in India have been celebrating "unity in diversity". There appears to be change in long cherished ethos. Uniformity is buzzword emanating out of corridors of power. The idea is attractive and catchy. We are suddenly obsessed with uniform civil code.  The debate, however, is fast reducing to issue of Tripple Talaq. This word talaq is new word in our lexicon with twisted understanding like words Jihad, fatwa, shariat, kufr etc. There is high chance of emergence of vigilante group eavesdropping, phone tapping to ensure talaaq is not pronounced. After all there is over pouring of sympathy on the abject condition of Muslim women due to this despised word.

Uniformity in quality of education, health care, food, drinking water, electricity is secondary to this urgent and emergent challenge before our nation. The nation wants uniform civil code and nation must have it. If you agree to it then you are welcome in the debate else take out the microphone and get out. The nation doesn’t care for your views. This is how a famous news anchor showed the way to a belligerent, disrespectful participant.

All is being done in the name of gender justice, they say. What about gender gap? Which commission have we established with such an urgency on female foeticide and infanticide.  Dowry deaths, homicide, harassment of women at work places continue unabated. Economic and social parity is stark reality of modern India. It is an ignominy to be languishing at 97th in ranking of world hunger index. But lo and behold once uniform civil code is in place and that long forsaken directive principle of state policy is in place, the other disparities/disuniformities will go away in jiffy.


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