Tumhe yaad ho ki na yaad ho !!!!!!!!!

A structure was built by a general of medieval period in 16th century, 1528 precisely. The dome and arches of the structure suggested, it was a mosque. A mosque amidst hundreds of temples. Medieval architecture and calligraphy on the walls and overall imprint of Islamic architecture suggested beyond doubt the structure was mischief of a Muslim king.
Utmost effort was put by learned scholars to disprove and change fact. All valid and invalid sources were meticulously studied. Facts and figures were put forward. One group of scholars established that the building was constructed much before the Muslims arrival in the country and later converted into a mosque. The cruel king of medieval period converted this structure into a mosque in order to demoralize the local populace. Other account verified that the general of marauding army demolished temple and constructed the mosque exactly at the same place where Lord Rama took birth. The matter remained sub judice frustrating and infuriating the bigots. Then there was also a divine intervention one day and Ram Lalla miraculously appeared under the central dome of Babri Masjid. This irrefutably proved that the structure was really unlawful which had no right to exist. A nascent state struggling to stand and establish itself as a sovereign socialist secular democratic republic was fed opium of religion. The elements which force fed the republic the opium of religious intolerance continues injecting the lethal dose.
A group of historians and researchers however, were of the opinion that there was no temple before the mosque was constructed. This bunch of historians and researchers though highly respected in the academic circle were lampooned and discredited. They were labelled as traitors. The traitors still holds the ground and put forward argument in favor of demolished mosque wants the mosque reconstructed. The erstwhile PM also promised to rebuild the mosque to rectify the wrong done by modern marauding zealot crowd led by divisive generals.
Muslim community was counseled and cajoled. A grand and brand new mosque was offered at the place of community’s choice. An emotional appeal was also made and the community was asked for sacrifice in the name of unity of the country. The community as trouble maker as always did not budge and wanted settlement by court order. The unyielding stand of Muslims left no options in the hands of people who wanted Ramjanam bhoomi liberated.

The justice system of the SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC was hurdle in the path of this liberation. The judicial dilly dalliance refuted the masses will to prevail. The sentiment of mass had to prevail and one day a peaceful gathering took the law in its own hands and razed the symbol of cruelty, injustice and imperialism to the ground. The piercing stone (nukile pathar) was leveled to make the land plane (samtal) as per the wish of great statesman of our times who later on became the PM.

This method of securing justice by vandalism and mobocracy undermined the very idea of India. This act seriously undermined the aspiration of justice, liberty, equality and fraternity enshrined in the constitution. This desecration was ironically done on the death of anniversary of principal architect of constitution Dr. B. R. Ambedkar. The damage done in the name of religion put blot on face of the progressive nation. This blot needs to be cleared by "the people" of the land. The same "people" who solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC.
Those who spearheaded the movement and incited and ignited for the final act of justice have occupied position of power today. Couplet of Faiz Ahmed Faiz aptly depict this predicament

bane hain ahl-e-hawas muddaii bhii, mu.nsif bhii
kise wakiil kare.n, kis se mu.nsifii chaahe.n
There is still ray of hope however dim it may be

Gar aaj tujhase judaa hai.n to kal baham ho.nge
ye raat bhar kii judaaii to koii baat nahii.n
Gar aaj auj pe hai taala-e-raqiib to kyaa
ye chaar din kii Khudaaii to koii baat nahii.n


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