India a Kaleidoscope of Civilization

India is a kaleidoscope of civilizations. Great urdu poet Raghupati sahai firaq Gourakhpuri rightly said

Sarzameen-e hind par aqwam-e aalam ka firaq

Qafle guzarte gaye, hindustan banta gaya

Various races have been migrating and settling here. Aryans, Mongols, Caucasians and even Dravidans who were once considered to be native of India came from outside. Diversifications in traditions, culture, beliefs make it a truly diverse country. The harmonious co-existence of diverse traditions makes India a unique nation in making. Unity in diversity is the hallmark of India.

This idea of India faces serious threat when some group promotes ideology of division among people, when some fringe elements succeed in promoting communal agenda. It frustrates people when parochialism still exist, when untouchability is still a reality, when communalism is still practiced, when gender discrimination is tolerated, when corrupts still rule the roost. At this juncture when our country is poised to be a global power, some internal factors defeat our ambition to achieve the position we deserve.

Our constitution strives to provide equality, liberty, justice et al for all. The constituent assembly opted for secular tradition, socialist practices, and supremacy of people, rationality and scienticism. Did we succeed in that noble intention? We have made commendable progress on some fronts and have failed badly on other. This progress is not uniform throughout the country. This uneven distribution of development is creating conflicts.

TO BE ADDED ................


  1. Like your blogpost. Pl check "Qafile Guzarte" or baste. I think qafile baste nahi hein, guzar ja te hein.


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