Economic Distribution and Conflict

“There is enough in this world for everybody’s need not enough for anybody’s
greed”. Mahatma Gandhi says.

The skewed distribution of resources in the world germinates conflict in society and
among nations. The insatiable greed of haves to acquire more is depriving have‐nots
of their survivability. A study by World University for development economic
research at United Nations University reports that the richest 1% of adult alone
owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000. The three richest person possess more
financial assets than the lowest 48 nations. This economic inequality creates conflict
between haves and have‐nots which come to fore in the garb of religious conflict,
sectarian conflict, cast conflict, racial conflict, and civilization conflict. The violent
reaction of deprived and suppressed is termed as terrorism, naxalism, militancy etc.
In fact, all these originate from the fight for resources.

Akbar Alahabadi truly says,

KapRe kisi ke lal hain roti ke waste
Lambe kisi ke baal hain roti ke waste

NATO, a strong military organizations strive for military supremacy in the
world. European Union, established on geographical proximity
promotes agenda and interest of a particular region. In fact, one block is pitted
against other block endangering world peace. These blocks, many a time, ignore
UNO and other multinational agency disturbing world peace.

Laboratories of developed and so called civilized countries produce sophisticated
weapons to kill as many as possible and establish hegemony. IBMs, Nuclear
submarines, supersonic and stealth aircraft can’t do any good but are meant to
create mayhem to the farthest possible location on the earth.

The situation on economic front is even more ruthless. The giant machinery of rich
and power full countries rob poor. The exploitation meted out is not comprehensible
even by educated class of backward countries. The financial crisis of 2008 started in
the US demonstrates how innovative tricksters can dupe investors. This manmade
disaster perished millions and several nations are still struggling to recover out of it.
MNCs and other giant financial institutions follow military dominance and exploit

Multinational agencies established primarily to safeguard weak countries, toe the
line of rich donor countries. NATO forces occupied Iraq without mandate of UNO.
The pretext of occupation was weapons of mass destruction which could never be
founds. The multinational agencies time and again failed to guard sovereignty of
nation state in the world. These agencies remain mute spectators weakening trust in
them. This trust deficit creates further conflict and makes world full of danger.

World can be safer place once again if hegemony of few countries is
peacefully countered and ended, Economic exploitation by giant multinational is no
more, and equitable distribution of resources takes place. Unless we achieve these
goals, world peace will remain elusive.


  1. Teergi hai ke umadti hi chali aati hai
    Shab ke rag rag se lahu phoot raha ho jaise


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