“There is enough in this world for everybody’s need not enough for anybody’s greed”. Mahatma Gandhi says. The skewed distribution of resources in the world germinates conflict in society and among nations. The insatiable greed of haves to acquire more is depriving have‐nots of their survivability. A study by World University for development economic research at United Nations University reports that the richest 1% of adult alone owned 40% of global assets in the year 2000. The three richest person possess more financial assets than the lowest 48 nations. This economic inequality creates conflict between haves and have‐nots which come to fore in the garb of religious conflict, sectarian conflict, cast conflict, racial conflict, and civilization conflict. The violent reaction of deprived and suppressed is termed as terrorism, naxalism, militancy etc. In fact, all these originate from the fight for resources. Akbar Alahabadi truly says, KapRe kisi ke lal hain roti ke waste Lambe kisi ke b...