It is a full moonlit night and I am traveling by a train. Sampoorn kranti express train is in its full motion to reach its destination the next day. The train is running through the Gangetic plain disturbing tranquility of this area.

The silver sheet of moonlight spreading in the plain presents an attractive scene. The moon now hides in the cloud and darkness prevails all around. This temporary darkness reminds us of short phase of gloom in our lives. The moon appears once again and removes darkness. There is always dawn(light) after dark night.

The train is crossing an overbridge now. The river beneath has plenty of water which glistens on reflection of light. This east flowing river will meet the Ganges and will lose its own identity. The Ganges which originates from Gangotri in Uttrakhand will eventually fall in the Bay of Bengal. The supreme sacrifice of the tributaries teaches us to lose our own identity for the sake of greater cause.

Now the train passes across a small town which is asleep. The minaret of the mosque stands alone, high in the sky. Higher you go up, lonelier you become. The muezzin's prayer call will emanate from this minaret in the morning. Faithfuls will throng to the mosque and will bow before almighty Allah before starting the day.

It si midnight and a group of cultivators is busy thrashing wheat crops. These are the laborious folks who brave the weather and wark at odd hours to produce and feed billion of people.

Here is a mango orchard. The trees have small tikolas (unripe, immature mango). These will develop into delicious world famous Dussehri and langRa aam. It reminds me of village and those childhood summer when we would pelt stone to mango trees for tikolas.

There is single hut far away from settlement. The yellow light coming out, indicates presence of electricity in this lonely place. This proves India's power situation is improving. But, there is still huge gap between requirement and production capacity. There is need of more and more power plants as power is critical for the sustenance of economic growth.

The mandatory aviation lamp above a telecom tower emits red light and appears as if one eyed giant is spewing fire. These mushrooming telecom towers is yet another sign of India's progress especially in the field of communiction.

The moon has been hiding behind cloud for a long time now. There is darkness all around. It may rain, it appears. Most of the passengers of the bogey have slept. one fellow passenger above my berth requests me to switch off light. I should not make his journey uncomfortable.

Here I switched off the light............... .. But the train(life) keeps running!!!!!!!!!!


  1. asm,
    your writings always promises to strike the chord with the reader still i wish you could add the following lines.
    suddenly i heard the cry of a lady which stole not mine but everyone's attention.i understood the reason without asking anyone as her earlobes were drenched in blood,which were not looking so beautiful without her recently snatched golden earring.i felt a bitter sweet, bitter was obvious but sweet in the sense that i had entered Bihar now.


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