Faith wins over Law

Primitive man lived in a stateless society with unlimited sovereignty. Human Life was nasty, brutish and short. There was "war of all against all". People realised need of an entity which might protect their interest. They created state and surrendered their sovereignty to it. Hobbes, Lockes and Rousseau termed it "Social Contract". State in turn ensured rule of law and protected interest of its people..

India became a democratic republic after independence and opted for secularism and socialism to ensure justice, liberty and equality to all of its citizens. Indian populace comprises of Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and followers of many other religious groups. These groups have many sects within it. People have identity on religious, regional, lingual and cultural bases. We witness conflict among groups for a number of reasons. To resolve these conflicts and ensure peaceful coexistence of various groups warrants strict practice of constitutionalism and rule of law instead of rule of arbitrary judgement.

The judgement of September 30, 2010 has to be looked at in this perspective. The verdict by three judges of Allahabad High court overlooked historical facts and figures. This will set a dangrous precedent if not appealed against. This panchayati decision will breed hydra headed conflict which will be difficult to eliminate.

Sunni Waqf board will move to Supreme court seeking justice based on facts, figures, rationality and scienticism instead of religious belief and faith. People of India repose full faith in honourable Supreme Court and expect that it will ensure constitutionalism in our beloved country.

Insaf hai ke hukme aqoobat se peshtar
ek bar sooe damane yusuf toh dekhiye (Faiz)


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