Shashi Tharoor resigns

Perhaps he was incompatible to the India political system which needs a different tactics and acumen or may be the expert of International diplomacy forgot his skills. Shashi Tharoor excelled as an author and diplomat but the man was misfit for politics in India is quite obvious. Shahsi Tharoor’s resignation as a minister of state for external affairs is a mishap for Indian politics which was getting rejuvenated by a person who came after a successful tenure from a forum none other than United Nations. The truth will only come out after the enquiry is conducted. The fast and time bound enquiry is needed to clear the air lest good people should avoid joining politics which is dominated by thugs.

The game of cricket which Tharoor is so passionate about, caused his downfall. The nasty alliance of cricket which has got status of a religion in india, the film industry which adds glamour in this sport and the corporate which provide all the black and white money has started preying. God alone knows, how many men and women will be doomed, how many sports will be perished in India by this triple alliance of passion, glamour and money.

Shashi Tharoor acquired doctorate at the age of 22 on his work “Reasons of state”. His doctoral thesis is still studied as a course on Indian foreign policy making. He joined United Nations as staff member for UN High commissioner for Refugees and reached up to under secretary general of Kofi Annan. He lost narrowly to Ban kyi Moon in the election for the post of Secretary General. Shashi Tharoor was a beacon of hope for many who saw in him an accomplished professional who brought a fresh air in Indian politics. His daily update from corridor of power was like commentary on parliament proceedings which was never experienced before.

Though, the resignation of Shashi Tharoor was not unexpected as he stirred controversies one after the other it appeared as if he enjoyed stirring controversies. His stay in Five-Star hotel was the first controversy after he took oath as a minister in UPA – 2. Mr. Tharoor remained in headlines and gave breaking news to TV channels for his cattle class comment, describing Nehru’s Foreign policy as moralistic running commentary as reported but claimed by Mr. Tharoor being misquoted by media, the raising of visa issue on twitter, the use of word interlocutor which a section of media misunderstood as intermediary. Critics say he loved the shows because it kept him in limelight while he had limited role in his own ministry.

Idle Mind is devil’s workshop.

Saudi Arabia


  1. There is a clear pattern which suggests that Politics in India is not fit a recipe for Intellectualls, Technocracts or learned class. To survive among the croocks you must master the ART first. What happened to Sam Petroda? President Abul Kalam was not given second term to be replaced by a figure, about whom less said the better.
    If Tharoor is accused of trying to be in limelight, Can you name one, who does'nt.
    Anyways, likes of Tharoor are still misfit in the murky tamasha called Indian Politics.

  2. Yes Imteyaz that's right from 4th Para. The controversy following Shashi Tharoor starting from taking charge of MEA. Any way at last he has given resignation from his role. though I don't think controversy will stay away for long time. Hope it would be lesson for others politicians!!!

  3. Dear Imteyaz, I do agree with you in your approach on Mr. Tharoor and I also admire Azeem's thought that who doesn't want to be in lime light.
    Mr. Tharoor was the choice of Dr. Manmohan Singh and in his comments he told to media “there is up and down in politics"
    Only I can tell about Mr. Tharoor that this is not end of his political career but this is real beginning of Indian politics for him & I hope that he will get clear all his allegation labelled on him. There should not be any correlation between private life and public.


  4. Dear Imtiyaz,

    Since starting Mr. Taroor has created lots of controversies around him .I believe that he is also one of them who want to be always in media without any specific reason except his view about India visa polices and media has also helped him in this regards.

    People who have good record and achievements in academic or being intellectual and technocrat it does not mean that he can success in any field but entering of such intellectual in politics is good sign of change.

    I believe that Mr. Dr. Manmohan Singh has taken good decision to step down Mr .taroor specialy when congress wants to creates his good image in public and it is also good for Mr.taroor to take as a lesson and learn form whole episode

  5. I strongly agree with your view on tharoor's resignation and the controversy arising due to this
    Shashi tharoor's resignation (they say voice of conscience or the highest moral tradition of our democratic system) earned more discussion than Sachin Tendulkar's form in the ongoing glamour stricken cricketing extravaganza .The critics can dip their pen in poison for Tharoor as he is sliding on one after another controversy .
    he did nothing improper but forgot that unlike UN (where top rank beurocrats and diplomats of their respective contries meet ) loksabha also gives room to looters and shooters to sustain.
    it is surprising to see how a person after a sucessful tenure from united nations can fail in handling rough and tumble of real indian politics . he paid the price of not being the puppets of the existing senior politicians who (not all) have put our hard won freedom in jeopardy .
    Mr tharoor must know that :-
    Hum us sarzameen-e-Hind ke lachaar shahri hain
    Jahan ke Hukmaraanon mein jahan ke paasbaanon me
    Kayi aise yaqeenan hain
    jo mustakbil ke kaidi hain


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