

Writing is a powerful medium of expression. It conveys message to recipients most of the time in absence of writer. The beauty of written communication is that
communication can be documented and can be referred to whenever needed. But written communication has some inherent difficulty with it. The writer writes a word or sentence as per his or her understanding of word or context. The social background, culture, mood etc. affect the interpretation. Writer and reader both add some individualism into it. Writer encodes his ideas or message in a package and the reader decodes it, sometimes correctly or sometimes not. The feedback which can be received readily in case of verbal communication is not possible in written media. Therefore, an effective conveyance of written media needs set of skills and knowledge.

Effective writing needs a set of skills. One can’t write without clear knowledge and or information about subject matter. Good writing needs a good stock of vocabulary. A good command over grammar is indeed needed without which one can’t communicate successfully. So, effective writing needs a rich stock of words, a good grammar and backing of information and knowledge.

Moreover, it needs practice. A perseverance and struggle against oneself, against inertia of mind’s numbness. Forceful jolts are needed to wake up soul from deep slumber. Flaking of layers accumulated on the mind’s creativity. Initially, words may not help, ideas may not come out easily but practice may help solve the poverty of words, resistance of ideas to come out of mind and soul. Without writing practice one cannot be an effective writer. About writing, great writers suggest that one should write a page daily. Simply scribbling will do initially. Just jot down something daily which comes to mind.

But, picking up pen and start writing is not the way good writers write. They gather thought around a topic, prepare themselves and then venture into it. Effective writing demands a strong backup of knowledge or information base. A person of incoherent ideas will produce half baked piece of writing. Experience also plays important role in writing. One produces what one has read, listened to or seen. Travelling is a good teacher and it enriches one’s writing.

Great writers are borne out of turbulent times, abject poverty, or out of extreme joy, ecstasy of accomplishment or out of sense of self actualization.

Arundhati Roy is forced to write when Bill Clinton visits India and he is accompanied by a herd of dogs and his dogs are provided with a suite of rooms in a five star hotel. Pritsh Nandy is compelled to write when food price is sky rocketing, farmers are committing suicide, health care is very poor and infrastructure is in shamble and basic education is still out of reach of millions and on the other hand when there is such a propaganda about IPL. Other less know writers pick up pen or start typing when security agencies fail to protect tax payers of the country and whenever terrorist are able to strike at will. “Operation green hunt” is started without strong will to solve issues causing naxalites uprising and a war is Waged against own disgruntled citizens, thousands of less known writers pick up pen or simply start typing. Writers get a pinch to write when mass killing takes place in Gujrat,India or elsewhere in the world.

Writers also express feelings

Whenever soothing breeze blows
Whenever fragrance of spring flower spreads,
Whenever oasis in the desert appears.

Bol ke lab azaad hain tere I
Bol ke jab tak sach zinda hai II

Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
March 16, 2010

To be Continued ………….


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