Crazy Conversation
A brown dog came running with big bone and settled in dilapidated hut. A white dog sprang from somewhere and pounced at the brown dog. The two beasts ferociously fought but white one ultimately overpowered and snatched away the bone. Aleem, unemployed graduate of Basvaria village, sitting on the cemented platform under banyan tree watched with amusement the live demonstration of survival of the fittest. The brown dog was whimpering in the corner of the hut after losing fight putting its tail between the legs. Aleem felt empathy for the creature. 'The human race is not different from these beasts. The entire history of conflict and clashes were to capture land and resources. The advance race subjugated the backward ones. The cruelty and atrocities of humans surpass that of the most dangerous animals'. thought Aleem. Malang Baba, a madman of Basvariya came carrying polythene bag and old Urdu newspaper. Without looking at Aleem, Malang spreaded newspaper and emptied the content...