Imagine mother and statue of compassion, love and sacrifice comes in mind. We call her by Amma ammi mummy ma mai mom mum and by many other names. We can call her by any name but traits of all mothers are same. The role of woman as mother is almost divine. Imagine the pain she undergoes right from conception to birth and the pain for sons and daughters continues till she dies. It goes without saying that mother is the most caring a person have in this world. I listened to a drama about a man who asked her mother’s heart to please his lover. The mother happily gave her heart to the son. On the way he fell down and a voice came, O! merel lal ko chot to nahi lagi (My son! did you get hurt). Yes, mother renders selfless care for her children till she breathes her last. Man baap is jahan me sabse bari hai daulat Parents play role of a teacher, playmate, doctor, counsellor and many other roles at different walk of a person’s life. A poem "Everything Mom" by a poet How did you find...