Book Review - The great Derangement: Climate change and unthinkable by Amitav Ghosh
The great Derangement: Climate change and unthinkable by Amitav Ghosh tells stories, history and politics of climate change in a single book. The deftness of storytelling of fiction giant of our time is at full display in this remarkable book on imminent crisis the planet earth is facing today. Amitav Ghosh, the celebrated author expiates or in other word introspects on behalf of fellow writers by writing this extraordinary non-fiction. Why the master story teller resorts to non-fiction? The answer comes from the author himself - “Yet, it is a striking fact that when novelists do chose to write about climate change it is always outside of fiction”. The author rues elsewhere in the book, “If certain literary forms are unable to negotiate these torrents, then they will have failed- and their failure will have to be counted as an aspect of broader imaginative and cultural failure that lies at the heart of climate crisis”. This era of collective failure of art a...